Well today Joey and Grace and Isabella and I went to Busch Gardens it was a nice afternoon we got there around 11:45. The forecast was for overcast conditions most of the day, but as soon as we got there the sun came out and it got hot quick. The first stop was the aviary to feed the lorikeets. Isabella really liked this a lot. Then we went to lunch after a bout of sunscreen in the eye. She slept through it. but woke up in time for the lions. The clouds came back and threatened a summertime lightning storm so we ran through the Myombe Reserve on our way out. While walking back the the car lightning struck so close it seemed it was in the parking lot with us, the rest of the walk was a sprint. You have never seen two men load up children and strollers so quickly.
Later that evening we celebrated cousin Mary's birthday with a pool party and cake.
Later that evening we celebrated cousin Mary's birthday with a pool party and cake.